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Peeling back the surfaces


While I waited for the next BREAKING NEWS bombshell exposing (to pick a word not completely at random) the next celebrity with a sordid secret life, that sometimes truth really is stranger than even strange fiction.

But only sometimes.

I feel I’ve got a good handle on this because that’s what I write: strange fiction.

Strange—and dark, funny, twisted (in the good sense of the word), suspenseful—that’s what I aim for anyway. Interesting characters in bizarre situations—which become more bizarre by the chapter as I peel back more and more surfaces to get at the darkness that’s beneath them.

Jersey my latest novel takes a funky, sometimes frightening look beneath the surface of, well, Jersey, and some of its more . . . interesting residents.

Especially Jennifer.

When you get tired of the headlines, take a look at Jersey—and let me know what you think.

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